"Why the "rabbit?" is a question I receive quite often! So I thought I would explain how I chose my business name, and why it's special to me.
In the zodiac sense, rabbits represent gentility, peace, efficiency and ability to create romance. Symbolically, rabbits are thought to be highly observational, good coordinators, and hard workers behind the scenes! So it's no secret that obviously all rabbit's should be wedding planners, right? They clearly have most of the essential skills needed! ;-)
I have three bunnies of my own; Gnocchi, Ziti and Orzo, the eldest being Gnocchi. He was there with me when I first started the wedding portion of my business three years ago, and has just been a little fluff ball of a blessing for me. I definitely attribute partial inspiration for my name, to him.
I aspire to be like rabbits by nature, and provide my brides and grooms with seamless, gentle, and creative experiences. In the ways that my rabbits bring me peace, I as well hope to bring this to my couples!