Just days ago, I updated my look, released a new website, and also launched this blog! It's been a long time coming, and I've had so much fun working on everything in the process. Along with my re-brand, I am teaming up with Molly Scott Photography to offer a FREE styled photo-shoot giveaway! Details are listed below. Also, stayed tuned over the next couple weeks for an even bigger announcement!
- LIKE this page
- LIKE this image
- SHARE this image
- SEND an email to theweddingrabbitrva@gmail.com, describing your dream styled photo-shoot
Winners will be chosen at random, after I receive at least 10 submissions. Be sure to share with friends! smile emoticon
Refer to the links below to check out what has been in the works for the last couple of months!
WEBSITE: www.theweddingrabbit.com
BLOG: www.theweddingrabbitblog.com